تاریخ خبر: ۱۳۹۰/۰۸/۲۱زمان خبر: ۱۱:۴۴تعداد بازدید: ۲۹۴ Simultaneous with the introduction of Niusha; the new number for telephone bank system announced
In order to improve the quality and quantity of modern banking services, Parsian bank has run a new server and added 89111 as a new telephone bank number. The new number aims at increasing the capacity to respond to customers simultaneous with launching Niusha.
In order to improve the quality and quantity of modern banking services, Parsian bank has run a new server and added 89111 as a new telephone bank number. The new number aims at increasing the capacity to respond to customers simultaneous with launching Niusha.
Previously, the customers had access to telephone banking system only through 84841000. The new number will ease communication and facilitate access to services.